" F l o w e r "



" Don't cry over the past,it's gone. Don't stress about the future,it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make life beautiful "

We can chatting here

Bye Kedah}
Sunday, December 23 | 9:06 PM | 0Comment


Hari ni saya akan bertolak selepas solat zohor dari Kg Kedah ke KL. Okay. Hehehe Bukan Klang tapi KL. 
Huuuu sebab apa? Sbb adikku yg ketiga tu ada dekat rumah tok di gombak. LOL weirdonya ayat aku. Hahahaha k

Hm selamat tinggal tok, selamat tinggal 'ronaldo', selamat tinggal kampungku dan selamat tinggal Kedah. Till we meet again next year! I'm gonna miss everything here *Makaihhh comel gila Apex and Leuniey!!* EH? Hehehe 
I love yall. Takecare! Assalamualaikum! xoxo